Adoption Related Stuff
- Bethany attended an all-day conference put on by our agency. It was really well-done and very informative, with some powerful stories from people touched by adoption (adoptees, birthparents and adoptive parents). Another confirmation of our call to adoption.
- Two potential situations surfaced in March, but neither progressed very far. Please keep praying for us! Each possible situation places another child on our heart that we will continue praying for, as well as their parents and all who love and care for them.
- We got approved to adopt multiples (twins or triplets) just in case that becomes a possibility! Hint, hint, God! (Background: our home study only approved us to adopt one child, so we had to have a follow-up conversation with our social worker to add specific approval for adopting more than one child at a time. It was a short conversation about our thoughts on adopting twins or triplets, how we would handle that, etc.)
Other Stuff We Did
- In sad news, Bethany's grandma passed away on March 4th, which was her 69th wedding anniversary. We spent a few days in PA with family for the funeral and burial service. While it was sad to say goodbye, it was a blessing to have the time reconnecting with family, and gave us a renewed appreciation of those family roots.
A few of Grandma's many talents: canning and winning prizes for food at county fairs. |
Dan trying shoofly pie for the first time, a central PA specialty! |
- Dan had his first work trip, to Connecticut, which went very well. He got to experience high-speed rail travel, where virtually every passenger was travelling for business. Dan also went on a weekend retreat which was rejuvenating during this busy and challenging season of life.
- We started some seeds indoors and planted some seeds outside in pots. While we're not planning on having an actual in-the-ground garden this year, we will be doing some container gardening. Bethany in particular has been itching to get her hands dirty with gardening again!
Tomatoes, peppers, and basil enjoying the sunshine |
- Bethany's parents' dog came to stay with us over Easter! (Her parents traveled to Florida to visit relatives.) Penny is an adorable Spaniel puppy with LOTS of energy, who LOVES to cuddle. We took her on a long walk at the National Arboretum on Holy Saturday, which was beautiful because the magnolias and cherry blossoms were at peak bloom. It's been great having a little furry friend around who is always happy to see us.
Getting to know Penny the Puppy |
- Easter: we love the Easter services at our parish (Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Vigil and Easter Sunday). Bethany is in the parish choir and sang for all the services. On Easter Sunday we hosted a few friends at our house for a delicious and huge dinner. He is risen!!
We hope you all had a lovely March.